Monthly Archives: August 2014

Day Zero

This is the first post for this new blog so I should probably introduce myself. I’m L E Fitzpatrick, or Lynzie as most people know me. I’m an indie writer and I have been for several years now. I’m by no means successful, but I’m still in the game. I’ve got 5 full novels out and a couple of short stories and all of my short stories are ranked 3* and up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bragging, but so often as authors we feel that we must prove that actually we are good writers and not just here to waste your time.

So that’s me. I write. But more importantly I’m an indie writer – which basically means everything I do is done off my own back when I have time and money to do it. It’s hard and usually full of pitfalls and throughout my self-publishing career I’ve found that there have been moments when it would be nice to know someone has my back.

I want Limelight to eventually grow into something that indie writers and readers can benefit from so at Day Zero I am setting out my plan. Limelight will take over the world… okay maybe too ambitious… how about: Limelight is going to be an effective free promotional tool for indies world wide. It is going to offer only exclusive material so readers world wide have something interesting and original to read (and not the generic blurb posts that appear everywhere). We are also going to offer services such as proofreading and beta reading, as well as being open to your suggestions as to what we can do to make our site better.

So are you coming along for the ride?

Also I wanted to post my one and only disclaimer. I would love people to help other indies with beta and proofreading services. If you spot any deliberate typos in any of my posts then why not consider offering your keen eye to other indies to make their work error free (did you buy that? Oh well, it was worth a shot).

First off. I want your advertisements please everyone. If you have a book, a competition, a giveaway – anything then I want to hear about it. I’m going to kick things off.

You have six hours left to win a copy of my book The Running Game and Border Lines from the Reacher series. Click on the link below to enter.

Now it’s your turn. Email your posts to:


P.S. Really sorry about my giant head at the side – when I figure out how to make it smaller I will.